Smoking and Alcohol: Harmful Effects and How to Quit | How to Stop Smoking Naturally tips

Ways to Quit Smoking (Tobacco)

1. Strengthen Your Willpower:

The first step to quitting smoking is to strengthen your willpower. Stay firm in your decision and do not make excuses. When cravings arise, chew fennel seeds, cardamom, cloves, or peppermint. Chewing gum is also a good alternative.

2. Use Clove Oil:

If you feel an intense urge to smoke, put a drop of clove oil on the inner part of your tongue. This helps reduce cravings.

3. Develop a Habit of Drinking Water:

Drink water slowly, sip by sip, and hold it in your mouth for a few seconds to reduce cigarette cravings. This habit can weaken tobacco addiction over time.

4. Maintain Oral Hygiene:

Smoking leaves nicotine deposits on teeth, leading to bad breath and other oral issues. Brush your teeth three times a day to prevent such problems.

5. Stay Away from Smoking Friends:

Avoid sitting with friends who smoke and stay away from places where people are smoking. Keep cigarettes out of your home and do not offer them to guests.

6. Avoid Other Addictive Substances:

Caffeine in tea, coffee, and alcohol increases cigarette cravings. Avoid these and incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet to help control smoking habits.

7. Engage in Prayer, Exercise, and Meditation:

Internal strength plays a vital role in quitting smoking. Practice meditation, take deep breaths, exercise, and keep yourself active to reduce cravings.

8. Think About Your Family and Children:

Smoking not only affects you but also harms your family. Your habit can become a bad example for your children, which should motivate you to quit.

9. Try Homeopathic Medicine:

Homeopathic medicine "Tavacum 200" (10-12 pellets in the morning and evening) can gradually help eliminate cigarette addiction. If cravings are intense, take them three times at 15-minute intervals.

10. Quit Tobacco Chewing:

For tobacco chewers, homeopathic medicine "Caladium 30" (10-12 pellets, three times a day) can help reduce tobacco cravings within 2-3 days.

Harmful Effects of Alcohol (Drinking)

1. Weakens the Brain and Nervous System:

Alcohol consumption weakens the brain and nervous system, affecting cognitive ability and making individuals reckless and uncoordinated.

2. Damages the Digestive System:

Alcohol irritates the stomach lining, leading to burning sensations, gastritis, and ulcers.

3. Destroys the Liver:

Prolonged alcohol use causes liver inflammation, leading to liver shrinkage and cirrhosis, which can be fatal. It also results in jaundice and anemia.

4. Reduces Immunity:

Excessive alcohol consumption lowers white blood cell count, making the body more vulnerable to infections and diseases.

5. Causes Mental and Moral Decline:

Alcohol weakens mental strength, leading to violence, crime, arguments, and immoral behavior. Intoxicated individuals lose rational thinking and may engage in criminal activities.

6. Affects Fertility and Reproduction:

Excessive drinking can cause impotence in men. In pregnant women, alcohol consumption can severely harm the unborn baby.

7. Negative Impact on Society and Family:

Alcohol doesn’t just harm individuals—it disrupts families and society. Many families suffer financial and emotional distress due to alcoholism.

8. Views of Scientists and Great Personalities:

  • Benjamin Rush: "War sometimes destroys people, but alcohol destroys them all the time."

  • Benjamin Franklin: "Alcohol is the root of all evil; it turns some into fools, some into animals, and some into demons."

  • Mahatma Gandhi: "Alcohol destroys a person mentally, morally, and economically, making them immoral."

9. Alcohol and Cancer:

Studies show that beer consumption increases the risk of rectal and colon cancer. In Germany, known as the "Beer Capital of the World," child mortality rates are higher, partly due to excessive alcohol consumption.

10. Ways to Avoid Alcohol:

  • Take a firm resolution to stay away from alcohol.

  • Use meditation and yoga to overcome addiction.

  • Recognize your responsibilities towards family and society.

  • If addiction is severe, seek help from a specialist or rehabilitation center.

Home Remedies to Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking can be challenging, but with the right home remedies and willpower, it is possible. Here are some natural and effective ways to help you quit smoking:

1. Chew Fennel Seeds, Cardamom, and Cloves:

Whenever you feel the urge to smoke, chew fennel seeds, cardamom, cloves, or a small piece of cinnamon. These spices help reduce cravings and keep your mouth fresh.

2. Consume Honey:

Honey has medicinal properties that help remove nicotine from the body. Drink a glass of warm water mixed with a teaspoon of honey every morning.

3. Drink Plenty of Water:

Increase your water intake to flush nicotine out of your system. When you feel the urge to smoke, drink a glass of water slowly to suppress the craving.

4. Ginger and Lemon Juice:

Ginger juice mixed with lemon helps reduce cigarette cravings. The antioxidants in them detoxify the body.
How to use:

  • Mix half a lemon's juice with ginger juice.

  • Add a teaspoon of honey and consume it twice or thrice a day.

5. Chew Basil Leaves:

Basil leaves have medicinal properties that help in reducing smoking addiction. Chew some basil leaves whenever you feel the urge to smoke.

6. Eat Carrots and Celery:

Chewing carrots and celery reduces cigarette cravings and helps eliminate nicotine from the body.
How to use:

  • Roast celery seeds slightly and chew them.

  • Cut carrots into small pieces and eat them 2-3 times a day.

7. Drink Green Tea and Herbal Tea:

Green tea and herbal teas detoxify the body and help reduce cigarette cravings.

8. Exercise and Deep Breathing:

Walk for at least 30 minutes daily and practice deep breathing exercises. These help reduce stress and control smoking urges.

9. Drink Coconut Water:

Coconut water helps remove toxins from the body and reduces the damage caused by smoking.

10. Chew Jaggery and Licorice Root:

Chewing jaggery (gur) and licorice (mulethi) helps reduce cigarette cravings and cleanses the lungs.

Final Suggestions:

  • Do not keep cigarettes or tobacco at home.

  • Stay away from people who smoke.

  • Keep yourself busy to avoid thinking about smoking.

  • Seek support from family and friends.

By adopting these remedies and strengthening your willpower, you can successfully quit smoking and lead a healthy life.


Smoking and alcohol consumption are not only hazardous to our health but also negatively impact our mental well-being, families, and society. By adopting strong willpower and the right measures, we can free ourselves from these harmful habits and lead a healthier life.

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